TORONTO, ONTARIO, September 23, 2014, Romios Gold Resources Inc. (TSX.V-RG) ("Romios" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the results of the exploration program that was carried out during the summer of 2014 on parts of its Burgundy Ridge discovery located in the vicinity of Newmont Lake within its large (82,234 hectares) Golden Triangle Property in northwestern British Columbia. Burgundy Ridge is located within approximately 20 km of new road and power infrastructure being developed in the area. A team of 4 geologists carried out a systematic program of mapping, prospecting and "chip-line" rock sampling at Burgundy Ridge to assess the continuity and significance of the copper-gold-silver mineralization that was discovered during the 2013 exploration program where100 widely spaced rock samples collected over an area of approximately 300 metres by 225 metres contained an arithmetic average of 0.47% copper, 0.27 g/t gold and 3.77 g/t silver.
During the 2014 summer exploration program, contiguous chip samples of rock, each 1.5 metres in length, were collected along a number of lines oriented essentially northwest-southeast. The location of the sample lines was based on the favourable results obtained in the 2013 sampling program and the proximity to the skarn contact between the intrusive porphyries and the reactive dolostone and limestone/marbles. In total 314 rock chip samples were collected in the sampling program of which 173 were applicable to Burgundy Ridge. In the northeast corner of the zone, a line of 30 contiguous samples, 45 metres in length, averaged 0.30% copper, 0.07g/t gold and 3.19 g/t silver. A further 24 metre line of samples, approximately 65 metres to the southwest, averaged 0.72% copper, 0.12 g/t gold and 5.17 g/t silver. A further 130 metres to the southwest, a 6 metre line of samples averaged 2.27% copper, 12.14g/t gold and 48.77g/t silver. Approximately 50 metres further southwest, two lines of samples, one 22.5 metres in length and the other,18 metres in length averaged 0.48% copper, 0.18 g/t gold, 2.55 g/t silver and 0.59% copper, 0.33 g/t gold, 4.93 g/t silver respectively. In the southeast corner of Burgundy Ridge, eight contiguous samples collected along a 12 metre long line averaged 0.43% copper, 0.38 g/t gold and 18.67 g/t silver. Higher grade zones of mineralization occur within or adjacent to the sample lines, the most notable of which is a 3.0 metre long rock chip sample that assayed 5.12% copper, 28.49 g/t gold and 89.65 g/t silver. This sample included 1.5 metres that assayed 9.11% copper, 51.2 g/t gold and 171.0 g/t silver. In the far northwest corner of Burgundy Ridge, a contiguous line of samples 9.0 metres in length averaged 0.87% copper, 0.12 g/t gold and 7.97 g/t silver.
The average of the 173 rock chip samples yield 0.40% copper, 0.48 g/t gold and 4.78 g/t silver. When excluding the sample of high grade mineralization the average grade of the 172 samples collected at Burgundy Ridge Zone is 0.35% copper, 0.187 g/t gold and 3.81 g/t silver.
Basic ground exploration of areas to the northeast and west of Burgundy Ridge resulted in the discovery of several zones of porphyry-related copper and gold-bearing skarns similar to those sampled at Burgundy Ridge. A number of grab samples from a zone referred to as the Baxter Zone located 1,800 metres west of Burgundy Ridge assayed as high as 4.07% in copper. Chip samples on the Baxter Zone over 1.5 metres and 0.3 metres assayed 1.47% copper, 0.27 g/t gold and 4.17% copper, 2.96 g/t goldrespectively. At the Telena Zone, located 850 metres northeast of Burgundy Ridge and the subject of earlier exploration by Romios, porphyritic syenite dykes and other potassic porphyritic dykes were identified and sampled. Of particular note, a 10.5 metre "chip-line" sample averaged 1.17% copper and 0.384 g/t gold.
The mineralization at Burgundy Ridge is associated with a garnet-epidote skarn system which appears to be structurally and genetically related to a series of intrusive dykes. The high-grade core of the system is centered in a lower-grade envelope of disseminated copper-gold mineralization hosted in-part by dolomitic limestones, mega-crystalline K-spar syenite porphyry, syenite porphyry and diorite porphyry. The system was extended to a strike length of 350 metres and appears to continue under a large snowfield to the north and a glacier to the south. Maps of the sampling locations and photographs of the mineralization exposed at Burgundy Ridge can be seen on the Company's website at
Tom Drivas, President and CEO of Romios comments: "The assay results from the sampling carried out during 2013 and 2014 confirm the outstanding potential of the Burgundy Ridge discovery which is interpreted to be one of the principal epicentres for porphyry mineralization within the entire Newmont Lake Project area. It represents a significant, drill-ready target for future exploration programs. Further prospecting and mapping is planned at Burgundy Ridge to potentially extend the copper-gold-silver mineralization to the south, west and north as the snowpack continues to recede in order to better outline the trend of porphyritic intrusive and the related mineralized skarn zones and identify diamond drill targets."
All samples were submitted to ALS Laboratories in Vancouver, B.C. for assay. As a matter of procedure, a rigorous on-site quality assurance and quality control program was implemented that included the insertion of blanks, standards and duplicates within the samples to ensure reliable assay results. The assay results, maps, and additional information will be released when received and reviewed by the Company.
This news release was reviewed and approved by Thomas Skimming, P.Eng, Vice-President of Exploration and a Director of Romios and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.
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For further information, please contact:
Tom Drivas, President and Director, (tel) 416-221-4124, (fax) 416-218-9772 or (email)
Frank van de Water, Chief Operating Officer and Director, (tel) 416-221-4124 or (email)
Thomas Skimming, P. Eng., Vice-President, Exploration and Director, (tel) 416-444-0900 or (email)